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Temple Lift Aesthetics

Temple Lift Aesthetics

Have a Tight Forehead and Raised Eyebrows!

Operation Duration






Şakak Germe ameliyatı
Get Rid of Wrinkles on Your Forehead with Maje Clinic

Temporary Stretch

Get a rejuvenated and revitalized look with our Temple Lift Aesthetics services. Our professional surgeons hide the traces of time, making your face look younger and more energetic. Contact us for a natural, lively and youthful look.

01. Temple Lift Aesthetics
02. Eyebrow Lift Operation
maje clinic

About Temple Lift Aesthetics

What is Temporal Lift Aesthetics?

With this operation, which usually accompanies face lift operations, both a more taut appearance on the eyebrows and eye edges and a much younger-looking skin texture are achieved.

How is Temporal Lift Aesthetics Performed?

This operation is usually completed in an average of 1 hour under local anesthesia. An incision is made in the hairy part of the temples and stretching is performed there, then the excess sagging skin is separated from there and sutured.

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    Temple Lift Surgery

    şakak germe ameliyatı nedir

    Signs of aging are incomprehensible not only from our face and neck, the temples may sag with time or depending on genetic and environmental conditions, sagging at the temples naturally lowers the eyebrows and eyelids, and the gaze does not become as lively and dynamic as before. With this operation, which usually accompanies face lift surgeries, a more taut appearance is achieved both on the edges of the eyebrows and eyes and a skin texture looks much younger.

    Who Can The Temple Lift Operation Be Performed For?

    • Those who complain about crow’s feet around the eye area,
    • Those who observe lowness and sagging in the eye contour line with the effect of time,
    • Those who experience sagging at the temples,
    • Those who have low eyebrows and eyelids due to loss of firmness in the temples can easily undergo this operation.

    How Is The Temple Lift Operation Performed?

    şakak germe

    This operation is usually completed within an average of 1 hour if it is performed alone under local anesthesia. An incision is opened in the hairy part of the temples and stretching is performed there,after which the excess sagging skin is separated from there and sutured. It is not obvious because the stitches are hidden in the hairy part. Temple stretching operation can be performed in combination with eyebrow aesthetics and eyelid aesthetics.

    What Kind Of Process Is Waiting For The Person After The Temple Lift Operation?

    • The patient can leave the hospital after the operation.
    • Care should be taken to make ice compresses in the first three days after the operation. Ice compress will ensure that bruises and edemas are less after the operation.
    • There is no difficulties in returning to daily life the next day after the operation, the scars remain hidden between the hair.
    • Full recovery after operation is observed at the second week.