Mole and Wart Removal
Get Rid Of Mole And Your Warts In A Short Time!
Operation Duration
5 - 10 MINUTES
Mole and Wart Removal
Smooth your skin and accentuate your beauty with our Pick Up and Wart Removal services. Our experts safely remove moles and warts with minimally invasive techniques. Contact us to remove your disturbing skin lesions and for clearer, smoother skin.
01. Mole Removal Operation
02. Wart Removal Operation
About Mole Removal and Wart Removal
What is Mole and Wart Removal?
Due to factors such as the effects of the sun and friction, we sometimes observe the formation of moles in areas such as eyelids, back, chest, armpits.
How to Get Mole and Wart?
After the moles are anesthetized with the anesthesia cream, the moles are removed with the help of plasmapen in a short time like 5 minutes. After the procedure, the person can easily continue his daily life. However, on the first day after the procedure, the area where the mole was removed should not be touched with water.
To make an appointment, you can fill out our appointment form or contact us via phone and whatsapp.
Appointment Request Form
Mole Me Removal and Wart Removal Applications
Due to factors such as the effects of the sun and friction, we observe mole formation in areas such as eyelids, back, chest, armpits from time to time. Moles can grow perpendicular to the skin surface. The removal of such moles or warts does not require surgical operations, and are removed with the help of plasmapen in as little as 5 minutes after the moles are anesthetized with an anesthetic cream. After the procedure, person can easily continue his/her daily life. However, water should not be touched to the area taken on the first day after the procedure.