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Face Lift Surgery

Face Lift Surgery

Get a Young and Wrinkle-Free Look!

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Face Lift Surgery
Visit Maje Clinic for Face Lift Aesthetics!

Face Lift Aesthetics

Challenge time with our Face Lift Aesthetics services. Natural and rejuvenating results from the experienced hands of our expert surgeons change the definition of aging with you. Count on us for a younger, fresh and energetic look.

01. Classic Face Lift Aesthetics
02. Endoscopic Face Lift Aesthetics
03. Face Lift
maje clinic

About Face Lift Aesthetics

What is a Face Lift?

Skin quality begins to deteriorate, collagen production begins to decrease, brightness decreases and elasticity loss occurs. Facelift aesthetic surgery is performed to revert and delay the aging process, which continues stage by stage.

Who Can Be Performed A Facelift?

Although the age range of 50-55 is generally suitable for this operation, genetic and environmental conditions may trigger premature sagging and aging. Accordingly, this operation may be suitable for people with a smaller age range.

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    Face Lift Aesthetics Surgery

    Yüz Germe Estetik Ameliyatı

    Intense work pace, stress of daily life, fatigue, aging, environmental conditions, genetic conditions are very important factors that affect the structure of human skin and its degradation over time. The sagging of human skin tissues and the aging process can occur much earlier than it should be on todays conditions. The skin quality begins to deteriorate and collagen production begins to decrease. The skin loses its shine and starts to appear dull, there is a loss of elasticity. The aging process can be first observed with the ring formation in the under-eye tissue. The adipose tissue that should be under the eyes and the adipose tissue that fills the cheeks begin to separate from each other. The ligaments that connect the two fat tissues to the cheek and eye are different, and these ligaments begin to loosen. Another symptom which is the advanced level of the aging, is the beginning of downward sagging on the cheeks. And the symptoms that can be considered as the last stage are the beginning of sagging in the structure of the nasolabials, jaw and neck. The tecnique of the operation that can be performed at each symptom stage is different. Should not be forgotten that every phase of aging process is reversible.

    To Whom A Face Lift Operation Can Be Performed?

    Although the age range of 50-55 years is generally suitable for this operation, genetic and environmental conditions can trigger aging process and it is possible to observe sagging. Accordingly, this operation may be suitable for younger people too.

    What Should Be Considered Before The Face Lift Operation?

    • Smoking should be abandoned until 3-4 weeks before the operation.
    • The use of products such as blood thinners, aspirin, vitamin supplements, detox teas should not be used for 1 week before the operation.

    How Is The Face Lift Operation Performed, What Are The Techniques?

    Endoskopik Yüz Germe Ameliyatı

    There are two common techniques that we can call classical face lift and endoscopic face lift.The necessary conversations and health tests are conducted with the surgeon who will perform the operation and the appropriate method is decided together.

    Classic Face Lift Operation

    With the classic face lift operation, not only the upper layer of the skin, but also the tissue layers under the skin are stretched together. Stretching only the upper layer of the skin does not give permanent and healthy results. Classic face lift surgery takes time between 4 and 6 hours on averageand it is performed under general anesthesia. Operations such as eyelid lifting, eyebrow lifting, neck lifting are usually accompanied by a face lift operation. The duration of the operation may be prolonged depending on the accompanying operations. The operation is performed through an incision that goes from the front of the ear to the back of the ear, and the skin is stretched from there.

    Endoscopic Face Lift Operation

    The operation is performed by entering through a small incision hidden between the hair with an endoscopic device.The surgery performed under general anesthesia is completed successfully within an average of 2 hours.

    Face lift surgery can be performed together with procedures such as rhinoplasty, eyelid aesthetics, eyebrow lifting, chin operation, hollywood cheek and neck lifting.

    What Kind Of Process Awaits A Person After A Face Lift Operation?

    • After the operation, 1 day is spent resting in the hospital.
    • The special neck corset that the surgeon will give after the operation should continue to be used for 1-2 weeks to prevent unwanted edema and swelling. It takes an average of 1 month for swelling and bruises to go away after the operation.
    • The tapes attached to the eye and cheek area after the operation should not be removed for 1 week.
    • Alcohol should not be consumed for up to 6 weeks after the operation, smoking should be abandoned. Because it negatively affects the recovery process after the operation.
    • After the stitches and bandages are removed, you can enter the shower.
    • After the facelift operation, a return to daily life can be made at the end of 2 weeks.